Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 41 - 50 of 59

Results for: Fun

What Is Simulation? 5

This week we are taking a break from Simulink features and capabilities to take a step back and look at the history of simulations. What Is Simulation? Sometimes it is good to take a step back... read more >>

Simulink Student Challenge – Targeting Hardware: Win up to $500! 1

One of my favorite feature in R2012a is the Simulink Support for Target Hardware. Personally, I use it for many purposes. I use the Arduino target to control my homemade sous-vide cooking system... read more >>

Running Simulink models on LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 12

As you probably already know, MATLAB R2012a is now available for download! One of my favorite feature in this release is the built-in support for running models on low-cost target hardware,... read more >>

Sous-vide Cooking with Simulink Part 2 16

Here is the continuation of my sous-vide cooking story I began to tell in the last post. Hardware Implementation As described last week, I finally received everything I ordered: Arduino... read more >>

Sous-Vide Cooking with Simulink Part 1 7

This week I am sharing the first part of a story about what I do with Simulink during weekends! Introduction Last Christmas, I received the book Modernist Cuisine - The Art of Science of... read more >>

Advanced S-function Techniques: Scheduling Future Events 8

Today I will describe how to use a variable sample time s-function to schedule events in the future. This topic is fairly advanced, so hold on tight... or as we say where I come from: Attachez vos... read more >>

Simulink Student Challenge: $1000 in prizes! 3

Have you done something super-cool in Simulink?Can you make a short video of it and share it on YouTube?Are you a student? If you have answered yes to these questions, then you might be able to win... read more >>

Blog Image Processing with Simulink 3

Seth: A change is coming. As you may have noticed, the title of this blog is no longer a perfectly accurate description of it's content. Sure, the topics discussed are still all related to Simulink... read more >>

Under development: Simulink Symphonics 6

Today we have been authorized to give you a sneak peek at a new blockset Guy is working on: SimMusic. Seth: This new tool will facilitate the application of Model-Based Design to development of... read more >>

Current Events: Contest and Career Fair

This is a quick post to highlight two events going on RIGHT NOW! Programming Contest: Sailing Home I was just looking over the MATLAB Programming Contest and it is going to be very interesting.... read more >>

Posts 41 - 50 of 59