Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 66

結果: Model-Based Design

Referenced Projects

Today I want to talk about Referenced Projects. They can be very useful to componentize a large project, allowing for modular work, component reuse, unit testing, etc.Working in technical support and... 続きを読む >>

Unifying MATLAB and Simulink: A User Story Part 2 4

In my previous post, I described how to parameterize a Simulink model using MATLAB objects. To be honest, there is nothing magic or revolutionary to that in itself. The reason why I decided to cover... 続きを読む >>

Generating Reports for a Simulink Model including LaTeX Equations

Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Sarah Dagen, from MathWorks Consulting.Sarah first lists different options available in Simulink to document your design, and concludes with a new capability... 続きを読む >>

Linking C MEX S-Function to C++ Code 2

Today, I am happy to welcome guest blogger Navid Rahbariasr. Navid recently received a request from a user trying to include C++ code in a referenced model in accelerator mode. Unfortunately, this... 続きを読む >>

Overview Of Recent Projects Features 2

Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Quique Hernandez Hurtado Esquilas.

Quique recently completed a project where he updated many examples using Projects to leverage new features added in the... 続きを読む >>

Projects Export Profile 2

After my last post on FMU import and export, someone asked me if exporting a Simulink model to an FMU was a good way to hide the model and protect intellectual property.
The answer is: No!
An FMU is... 続きを読む >>

Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Controller Example – Part 2 1

In my previous post, I introduced an example I recently published on MATLAB Central: Four-Cylinder Engine Ignition Control Simulation.
After describing how the plant model has been implemented, it is... 続きを読む >>

Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Control Example – Part 1 1

This post introduces an example project I recently submitted to MATLAB Central: Four-Cylinder Engine Ignition Control Simulation
This project was made in collaboration with Isaac Hisahiro Ito at... 続きを読む >>

Continuous Integration with Simulink Project and Simulink Test 10

A few days ago, my colleague Mariano published a blog post on the Developer Zone describing how to run a MATLAB Test suite on a Continuous Integration server every time changes are pushed to a Git... 続きを読む >>

Programming a Parrot Minidrone using Simulink 19

You know what I did this weekend? Yes, as the title of this post says, I deployed custom flight control software to my Parrot Rolling Spider Minidrone
Simulink Support Package for Parrot... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 66

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