Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 33

結果: Physical Modeling

Shot Put – Olympics 2024 Update

With the Paris Olympics going on, I decided to revisit the simulation of the shot put event that we published in 2016. BackgroundI recommend visiting the 2016 blog post for more background on how we... 続きを読む >>

Modeling flexible bodies using the Reduced Order Flexible Solid block 4

Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger David Balbuena. If you are getting started using the Reduced Order Flexible Solid block from Simscape Multibody, I strongly recommend that you go through... 続きを読む >>

Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Control Example – Part 1 1

This post introduces an example project I recently submitted to MATLAB Central: Four-Cylinder Engine Ignition Control Simulation
This project was made in collaboration with Isaac Hisahiro Ito at... 続きを読む >>

Simulating the Olympic Ski Jump Competition 2

This week I am happy to welcome guest blogger Zack Peters to describe how he implemented the simulation of a ski jump, similar to the Men's large Hill Individual event of the PyeongChang Winter... 続きを読む >>

Simscape and Operating Point Management

In MATLAB R2017b, we added capabilities to manage operating points for Simscape models.
In this post, I will show an example of how to use this feature, and describe the possibilities it... 続きを読む >>

Simulating the World’s longest Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line with Simscape Electrical

This week, I am happy to welcome guest blogger Hao Chen who will describe how Simscape Electrical can be used to simulate the world's longest (3324 km) Ultra High Voltage DC (± 1100 kV) transmission... 続きを読む >>

Modecharts: Modeling discrete modes in Simscape

Last week I described how to model a box on a moving table using Simulink subsystems as Stateflow state.
As it is the case for most systems, there are many ways to model this box-table system in... 続きを読む >>

Creating Your Own Check Valve for the Simscape Gas domain 8

Some time ago, I wrote a blog post about how to implement a custom valve for the Simscape Hydraulic domain. Today I am happy to welcome guest bloggers Erin McGarrity and Ruth-Anne Marchant who will... 続きを読む >>

Watering my Plants with Simscape Fluids 3

Here is a picture of my backyard:

As you can see, I like to grow a few plants. And those plants need water.
During the last long weekend of July 4th, I decided to install a watering system for those... 続きを読む >>

CoolProp to the Rescue 6

This week, I am happy to welcome guest blogger Tom Egel from MathWorks Consulting Services. CoolProp to the Rescue Do you use the Simscape Thermal Liquid domain? If so, then you should know... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 33

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