Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 1 - 10 of 17

搜索结果: 2018

Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Controller Example – Part 2 1

In my previous post, I introduced an example I recently published on MATLAB Central: Four-Cylinder Engine Ignition Control Simulation.
After describing how the plant model has been implemented, it is... 更多内容 >>

Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Control Example – Part 1 1

This post introduces an example project I recently submitted to MATLAB Central: Four-Cylinder Engine Ignition Control Simulation
This project was made in collaboration with Isaac Hisahiro Ito at... 更多内容 >>

Help your friends and colleagues learn Simulink with Simulink Onramp 2

Have you heard of Simulink Onramp?
If you visited recently, you probably noticed that MATLAB Onramp has a new friend!

If you are new to Simulink or you have friends or... 更多内容 >>

Arduino Engineering Kit 5

Have you heard of the Arduino Engineering Kit?
If you are interested in DIY projects and are looking for a fun way to apply some control and robotics principles to a real system, you probably want to... 更多内容 >>

What’s New in R2018b!

MATLAB R2018b is now available! In this first post about R2018b, I decided to highlight enhancements to the Simulink editor that will hopefully speed up model creation.
Group Block Rotation and Flip
... 更多内容 >>

Optimizing Data Types with the Fixed-Point Tool 2

Have you ever had one of those days... ?

The Explanation
When I see things like that, my first reflex is usually to turn on most of the items in the Display menu. In this case, displaying the port... 更多内容 >>

Continuous Integration with Simulink Project and Simulink Test 10

A few days ago, my colleague Mariano published a blog post on the Developer Zone describing how to run a MATLAB Test suite on a Continuous Integration server every time changes are pushed to a Git... 更多内容 >>

Visualizing Fixed-Point Algebraic Loops

A few days ago I had to debug a very large model generating an error similar to the following:

In my case, the loop involved more than a hundred blocks and signals spread everywhere in the model and... 更多内容 >>

New Capabilities for Block Masking

Earlier this week, I had to debug an issue related to a block mask in MATLAB R2012b. This made me realize that I have not written about masking in a long time.
So many capabilities have been added in... 更多内容 >>

Simulation Data Inspector in R2018a 3

Over the past few releases, many enhancements have been added to the Simulation Data Inspector. Let's look at a few of those I particularly like.
Browse Mode
By default, in the Simulation Data... 更多内容 >>

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