Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: Masking

Which callback should I use? 1

This week's post has been triggered by question recently posted on this blog regarding Masking and Variant Subsystems. If you look at this exchange I had with Xiaojun Yang, you will see that it... read more >>

Promoting Block Parameters to a Mask 2

In R2011b, we are trying to make it easier to interface the parameters of a masked subsystem with the parameters of the blocks under this mask. We call this Promoting Block Parameters. Let's see how... read more >>

Dynamics Mask Icons for Subsystem Variants 14

Today I will illustrate how to combine two features I like: Subsystem Variants and Masking. The Question I created a subsystem with two variants and I have specific masks for each... read more >>

New Stuff – Simulink R2009b 9

Last week the MathWorks released the R2009b family of
products.  There are many new capabilities in the latest release and with this
blog post, I want to highlight a some of the features in Simulink... read more >>

Where Does That Variable Come From? 28

Most Simulink models use workspace variable to define the important parameters.  For example, setting the gain value to K and then defining K in the workspace.  I wrote about initializing these... read more >>

Organizing Mask Callbacks 15

My recent posts have focused on the different elements required to build a library block.  There is the conceptual design of the block, the dynamic dialog, and the mask initialization code.  In each... read more >>

Mask Initialization and Self-Modifying Blocks 19

In previous posts, I introduced advanced masking concepts and discussed how to build a masked library block with a dynamic mask dialog.   In this post, I will show how the example Saturation... read more >>

Dynamic Mask Dialogs 24

When configuring a Simulink block, you usually use a graphical user interface (GUI).  In this post I’m going to investigate the basics of programming a dynamic GUI using the mask editor. The... read more >>

Advanced Masking Concepts 20

Masking does more than just put a professional interface on your algorithm.  Simulink blocksets provide elaborate graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to control the behavior of blocks.  The block... read more >>

How To Make Your Own Simulink Block 50

Today I want to introduce a fundamental Simulink concept: masking a block.  Masking provides you with a way to put an interface on an algorithm.  This can centralize the system parameters for... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 20

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