Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: 2018

Communicating with an External Application for Co-Simulation 7

Today I am describing an example that I recently submitted to MATLAB Central and GitHub with the help of my colleague Haihua Feng: Example implementation of Co-simulation using Simulink.
In case you...

MATLAB Online, MATLAB Mobile, MATLAB Drive… and Simulink 4

I have never written about these topics on this blog because this is not specific to Simulink, but... I am a big fan of MATLAB Online and MATLAB Drive. Today I will describe how I use these and... read more >>

What’s New in R2018a! 2

MATLAB R2018a is now available, let's go through a few of my favorite enhancements to Simulink in this release.
It has been a long time since we added a new section to the Simulink section... read more >>

Simulating the Olympic Ski Jump Competition 2

This week I am happy to welcome guest blogger Zack Peters to describe how he implemented the simulation of a ski jump, similar to the Men's large Hill Individual event of the PyeongChang Winter... read more >>

The Simulink Curling Simulator… Version 2018

For those reading this blog for a few years, you probably remember that during the 2014 Winter Olympics, we published a curling simulator implemented in Simulink.
With the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic...

Who’s Calling?

Did you know that it is possible to visualize the calling of Simulink Functions using the Sequence Viewer? Let's see how that works and in what type of situations it can be particularly useful.

Simscape and Operating Point Management

In MATLAB R2017b, we added capabilities to manage operating points for Simscape models.
In this post, I will show an example of how to use this feature, and describe the possibilities it... read more >>

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