Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: Community

Creating Custom Valve in Simscape 5

Today I want to share a technique I like to use when I need to create custom hydraulic components in Simscape. The Problem I often get questions similar to the following from users: I need... read more >>

MATLAB Virtual Conference 2015 3

In case your were not aware, this March 25th is the MATLAB Virtual Conference. Whether you are a beginner or an expert with MATLAB and Simulink, I am sure you can find interesting sessions for... read more >>

Simuflate: A time-based simulation of the Patriots’ footballs 12

Today I want to share a discussion I had with a few fellow guest bloggers: Corey Lagunowich, Zack Peters, Matt Brauer and Seth Popinchalk. Deflate-gate Corey: Hey guys, did you hear about the... read more >>

The Hyperloop Journey – Year 1

In honor of the first anniversary of Elon Musk's announcement, this week, Matt Brauer takes a look back at the evolution of our discussions on the Hyperloop transportation concept. To keep it... read more >>

Banking on the Hyperloop 1

This week, Matt Brauer is back to improve his three-dimensional analysis of the hyperloop transportation concept to include banking of the vehicle within the tube.... read more >>

Social Collaboration: Using Git for Model-Based Design 3

This week, Matt Brauer is back to talk about Git Integration in Simulink Projects, and how he used it to share his Hyperloop simulation on GitHub.


Everyone loves a package… Especially a Hyperloop simulation. 3

In case you forgot, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Instead of going for the classic bouquet of flowers or box of chocolates, why not be original and give something that will last forever... a well packaged Simulink Project.... read more >>

Hyperloop: Not so fast! 30

This week Matt Brauer is back to describe work he did to analyze the trajectory of the Hyperloop proposal. This is a key input to the Hyperloop Simulink models we are building. Matt's conclusion... read more >>

Hyperloop Model Architecture: We want your feedback! 5

We had some fun in our last post about the Hyperloop open source transportation system, but we didn't get much into the specifics. This week we begin to move things forward. Before beginning to... read more >>

Don’t Engineer The Hyperloop in a Vacuum 2

Since it was released in August, the Hyperloop proposal by Elon Musk generated a lot of interest. Reactions were both positive and negative. As you can imagine, it also triggered a lot of discussions... read more >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 48

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