Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: Model Reference

The Most Impactful Recent Features in Simulink 1

I have been recently asked this question:What are the top 10 most impactful and recent features for Simulink and Model-Based Design?It's a tricky question because different workflows are impacted by... read more >>

Accelerator Cache and Rebuilds – Everything you need to know 7

In Simulink, the different simulation modes (accelerators) can save you a lot of time. There are, however, subtleties to what “time” you can save, and how we can achieve those savings. In this post,... read more >>

Projects Export Profile 2

After my last post on FMU import and export, someone asked me if exporting a Simulink model to an FMU was a good way to hide the model and protect intellectual property.
The answer is: No!
An FMU is...

Simulink Functions hit the big time 2

The release of R2014b brought a time-honored Stateflow feature up to the model level: Simulink Functions. These blocks, analogous to stand-alone MATLAB functions, promote modularity and reuse by... read more >>

Improved Workflow for Converting a Subsystem to a Referenced Model

This week I want to highlight one of my favorite enhancement in R2014a: The improved workflow for converting a subsystem to a referenced model.... read more >>

Referencing Configuration Sets for Model Reference 1

A few weeks ago I described the possibility of storing more multiple configuration sets in a single model. Today we will do the opposite: Sharing one configuration set among multiple... read more >>

Quickly Switching Model Configuration Sets 6

During the life of a model, you will very likely need to change many configuration parameters to complete different tasks. For example, when debugging you want to enable many run time diagnostics to... read more >>

Automatic Refresh of Links and Model Blocks 2

The first time I tried editing models componentized with library blocks and referenced models in R2012a, I noticed something was different... ... and I really like that change! What's new In... read more >>

Model-Based Design Dilemma 15

I am currently working on a model and I have a dilemma. There are two ways I could model my system. I need you to tell me which approach is best and why. I need your help! The Goal I am... read more >>

Generating Code for Real-Time Multicore Systems 2

Do you generate code to be executed on a multi-core processor? Wouldn't it be cool if you could decide which part of the model will execute on which core? Modeling Concurrent... read more >>

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