Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 41 - 50 of 56

搜索结果: Modeling

Causes of Algebraic Loops 1

A lot of people ask the question, "Why does my model have an algebraic loop?" Of course, every model is different, but here are some general truths about algebraic loops: Real physical systems... 更多内容 >>

A Better If-Else Construct 17

In a previous post, I answered a question about how to model an If-Else behavior.  Here I will restate the algorithm I want to create: if(sel==0) out = 2*in1; elseif (sel==1) out =... 更多内容 >>

My Mental Model of a Model 2

When you are new to something, it always helps to get a mental picture of how that something works.  Since I learned Simulink over 10 years ago, I have developed my own mental model of Simulink... 更多内容 >>

Models Inspired by Real Life 21

Often models are the predecessor to a real-life device; however, sometimes a device inspires the model. In the 1980s, there was a group known as the Leg Lab at CMU who researched running robots.  In... 更多内容 >>

Modeling Mechanical Systems: The Double Pendulum 34

Do you ever have to model mechanical systems?  Mechanical systems consist of bodies, joints, and force elements like springs.  In this post, I will show you how to model a double pendulum with base... 更多内容 >>

Metronome Challenge Winners

Two weeks ago, I posted the Challenge: Metronome Synchronization.  The challenge was to model the synchronization of metronomes as observed in this video.
The results of the challenge tell an... 更多内容 >>

Challenge: Metronome and Cart Equations of Motion 6

I haven’t seen much activity on the Metronome Synchronization Challenge, so I want to provide a peak at the basis for my solution.  I took the approach of modeling a pendulum, and then linking its... 更多内容 >>

Challenge: Metronome Synchronization 2

My good friend Doug, formerly of Pick of the Week fame, sent me an e-mail last week with the subject “Model this.”  The message contained nothing more than a link to a video.  Doug started a new... 更多内容 >>

Follow the Bouncing Ball 3

In my last post about the Continuous Time Integrator, I talked about the bouncing ball model sldemo_bounce. Amin commented: Hi Seth! Is it necessary to rest the position integral in the... 更多内容 >>

Continuous Time Integrator 10

One of the ways I think of Simulink is as a graphical interface to the solvers.  Moreover, when I think of the solvers, I usually think of the continuous time solvers and the integrator block.  In... 更多内容 >>

Posts 41 - 50 of 56