Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 11 - 20 of 45

搜索结果: Guest Blogger

Olympics 2016 – Shot Put 3

For the Rio Olympics this year I decided to sign up a few of our new hires and interns to pick an Olympic sport and show what we can do in Simulink to simulate and analyze that sport.
Today, we are... 更多内容 >>

It’s Time for Real-Time! 4

Today, I am happy to welcome guest blogger Sarah Dagen, from MathWorks Consulting Services to talk about real-time simulation and testing.
Why Real-Time?
Working in MathWorks consulting services, one... 更多内容 >>

What is the most efficient aircraft seating strategy? 6

Today I am happy to welcome my colleague Ramamurthy Mani for another very interesting study using SimEvents.
Recently, I read an article in Wired (TM) magazine that posed a question that… 更多内容 >>

Managing Conflicts in Simulink Projects 1

Merging Simulink model changes from two users

This week we are welcoming guest blogger Tim Hosey from the Simulink Project development team. Introduction In this blog post I will highlight how Simulink Project can be used to manage... 更多内容 >>

Surprising Results from Modeling Queues with SimEvents 16

Today I am very happy to welcome guest blogger Ramamurthy Mani who works in our development organization.
Have you ever been in a supermarket checkout and wondered why you are in the… 更多内容 >>

Simuflate: A time-based simulation of the Patriots’ footballs 12

Today I want to share a discussion I had with a few fellow guest bloggers: Corey Lagunowich, Zack Peters, Matt Brauer and Seth Popinchalk. Deflate-gate Corey: Hey guys, did you hear about the... 更多内容 >>

Simulink Functions hit the big time 2

The release of R2014b brought a time-honored Stateflow feature up to the model level: Simulink Functions. These blocks, analogous to stand-alone MATLAB functions, promote modularity and reuse by... 更多内容 >>

A bit of philosophy on reuse versus building from scratch 2

This week, we are welcoming Michael Burke, from our consulting group. Reuse: Or how I learned to love the Bat Man Lego set… Like many an engineer of my generation I grew up with the basic Lego®... 更多内容 >>

The Hyperloop Journey – Year 1

In honor of the first anniversary of Elon Musk's announcement, this week, Matt Brauer takes a look back at the evolution of our discussions on the Hyperloop transportation concept. To keep it... 更多内容 >>

Stateflow Active State Output

Did you know that with Stateflow, it is possible to monitor which state is currently active, and use that information in the rest of the Simulink model? This feature is named Active State Output. The screenshot below shows how to do this for one of the charts in the example Temporal Logic Using the AT Function.... 更多内容 >>

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