Let's look at another frequently visited MATLAB Answers page:Derivative of state '1' in block 'X/Y/Integrator' at time 0.55 is not finite.The ProblemHere is a simple model similar to the one I have... 続きを読む >>
Let's look at another frequently visited MATLAB Answers page:Derivative of state '1' in block 'X/Y/Integrator' at time 0.55 is not finite.The ProblemHere is a simple model similar to the one I have... 続きを読む >>
On this π day 2024, I decided to tag along with Mike Croucher from The MATLAB Blog and show one way to compute π.While Mike went for advanced maneuvers involving the MATLAB AI Chat Playground,... 続きを読む >>
Have you ever had one of those days... ?
The Explanation
When I see things like that, my first reflex is usually to turn on most of the items in the Display menu. In this case, displaying the port... 続きを読む >>
Are you familiar with the meaning of auto for the Absolute tolerance of Simulink variable-step solvers?
In R2017a, we decided to change the meaning of auto for the Absolute Tolerance... If your model... 続きを読む >>
A few months ago I introduced my favorite command to analyze the performance of a variable-step solver. This week, I will introduce how the Simulink Debugger can be used for a deeper analysis of... 続きを読む >>
I hope you have noticed the new MATLAB Central blog: Cleve's Corner. Cleve once said "stiffness is an efficiency issue." Let's explore this from a Simulink point of view by revisiting an article by... 続きを読む >>
Today I want to share a trick I often use to determine if a variable step simulation runs as fast as it should. Visualizing the steps taken by a model To begin, save the simulation time data.... 続きを読む >>
By Guy Rouleau This week I received a large model giving different results when used as a referenced model in Accelerated mode, compared to the Normal Mode. To give you an idea, the top model in... 続きを読む >>
By Guy Rouleau I received a request last week where the code generated using Real-time Workshop was giving different answers from the original simulation. This type of requests is the one that... 続きを読む >>
As part of any well designed Model Based Design work-flow, you need to ensure that you get the expected results from your simulation. You might want to evaluate the effect... 続きを読む >>