Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: Simulink Tips

Parallel Simulations: Your options to configure data when using parsim and batchsim 4

Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Reid Spence. Reid helps Simulink users running simulations in parallel using functions like parsim or batchsim. In this post, he shares best practices to... read more >>

Tips and Tricks when Dealing with Callbacks in Simulink 2

As you probably know, it is possible to define many types of callbacks in a Simulink model. Callbacks can be very useful to automatically execute MATLAB code in certain situations, for example when a... read more >>

Creating a Match Filter for Simulink.findBlocks

Some time ago, I published a post encouraging you to use Simulink.findBlocks instead of find_system. This week, I will take this a little bit further and show how to create a custom match filter to... read more >>

Parameter Values in Blocks Dialogs 3

MATLAB R2022b was released a few weeks ago, so it's time to highlight a few new Simulink features. In this post, I decided to focus on one feature that might pass a little bit under the radar, but... read more >>

Time to convert from find_system to Simulink.findBlocks

If you are creating, editing or analyzing Simulink models programmatically, you are probably familiar with find_system.While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with find_system, in this post I want... read more >>

Leveraging The Simulink Diagnostics Viewer 2

I am sure most Simulink users will agree that viewing and analyzing warnings and errors is an important part of working with Simulink models. When simulating models interactively using the play... read more >>

Specifying Variable Values Using Mathematical Expressions 9

Today I want to talk about variables, needed by a Simulink model, that are function of other variables.Let's take the simple example of a right triangle:For most Simulink users, if you have a model... read more >>

Handling Errors in Post Simulation Callbacks

Today I want to share a simple trick I recently recommended to a user who was struggling with retrieving error messages from simulations.The Problem What this user described is that, when simulating... read more >>

COVID-19: Using Parallel Simulations to Study the Infection Spread 1

In a previous post, I introduced a model simulating the exponential spread of a phenomenon like COVID-19. With more and more talks in the news about deconfinement plans, I thought it would be... read more >>

A New First Order Hold! 9

If you are attentive to details, you might have noticed that in MATLAB R2019b, we removed the First-Order Hold block from the Discrete section of the Simulink Library browser.
At the same time, we...

Posts 11 - 20 of 100