Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

Posts 21 - 30 of 33

Results for: 2010

News from Embedded World 2010 6

In case you haven't been to a MathWorks conference or trade show recently, here is a look at what you might find at the MathWorks booth. In the following video, featured on, my... read more >>

Causes of Algebraic Loops 1

A lot of people ask the question, "Why does my model have an algebraic loop?" Of course, every model is different, but here are some general truths about algebraic loops: Real physical systems... read more >>

Variables You Depend On 6

/* Publisher style MATLAB code */ pre.codeinput { background: #EEEEEE; padding: 10px; } @media print { pre.codeinput {word-wrap:break-word; width:100%;} } span.keyword {color:... read more >>

Orion GN&C: MATLAB and Simulink Standards 6

Bottom-line on top: On April 13, 2010 Joel Henry from Draper Laboratory, NASA/Johnson Space Center, will present A Model-Based Design and Testing Approach for Orion GN&C Flight Software Development... read more >>

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control and Simulation 4

HEV Control Strategies to Maximize Vehicle Efficiency via Model-Based Design Larry Michaels from Argonne National Laboratory presented to about 140 live Energy Virtual Conference goers on his... read more >>

Live from the Energy Virtual Conference

It feels like a normal Thursday morning. I'm sitting in my office, sipping on my coffee and working on my computer. BUT there is something different... I am also sitting in a conference hall with... read more >>

MathWorks Energy Virtual Conference 3

Earlier this week Loren posted an invitation to the MathWorks Energy Virtual Conference. The online event will showcase how engineers, scientists and analysts are addressing the world's energy... read more >>

New Blocks in Simulink R2010a 25

This is the time of year (in the northern hemisphere), where the ice and snow start to recede, the birds return, and the days start getting longer. It signals the arrival of ... a new release of... read more >>

How to Estimate the Frequency Response of a Simulink Model 25

A core theme in Model-Based Design is reusing your intellectual property for different tasks.  Analysis for the purpose of design is a critical benefit.  Today I introduce Erman Korkut to show how... read more >>

Is that model already open? 3

I was just clicking through my vast inbox of unread e-mail, and saw a MATLAB Central news reader alert. I quickly scanned the message and then clicked on the link to view the thread on MATLAB... read more >>

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