Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Sai Ram Anumula to give an introduction on how to configure Simulink models to generate AUTOSAR compliant code.
Some time ago, my colleague Shwetha published...
Today I am happy to welcome guest blogger Sai Ram Anumula to give an introduction on how to configure Simulink models to generate AUTOSAR compliant code.
Some time ago, my colleague Shwetha published...
This week, I have a gift for you!
Thanks to new capabilities added in MATLAB R2020b, I created a library of custom gauges that you can add to your Simulink models and published it to MATLAB Central... read more >>
After covering the basics of Simulink Compiler in my previous post, it's now time to look at a more complex application. For that, I decided to leverage the project I published on this blog a few... read more >>
In MATLAB R2020a, we introduced a new product: Simulink Compiler
In this post, I am sharing the basic information you will need to get started with Simulink Compiler.
What is Simulink compiler?
Do you know what I did this morning? I created a Simulink model in MATLAB Online!
Simulink in MATLAB Online
A few years ago, in this post, I described how I like the convenience of having MATLAB... read more >>
In a previous post, I introduced a model simulating the exponential spread of a phenomenon like COVID-19. With more and more talks in the news about deconfinement plans, I thought it would be... read more >>
R2020a is here... Time to highlight my favorite new Simulink features!”
Editor Enhancements
As I said many times, I spend a good part of my life debugging and editing Simulink models. Anything that... read more >>
Update (10/14/2020): The GitHub repository now contains a MATLAB App to simulate the model and visualize the results. We compiled the app as a MATLAB Web App and host it in the cloud using the MATLAB... read more >>
Today I am happy to welcome Shwetha Bhadravathi Patil to talk about AUTOSAR.
AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) is a worldwide development partnership of vehicle... read more >>
If you are attentive to details, you might have noticed that in MATLAB R2019b, we removed the First-Order Hold block from the Discrete section of the Simulink Library browser.
At the same time, we...