Guy on Simulink

Simulink & Model-Based Design

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Results for: Numerics

Derivative of state ‘1’ in block ‘X/Y/Integrator’ at time 0.55 is not finite 8

Let's look at another frequently visited MATLAB Answers page:Derivative of state '1' in block 'X/Y/Integrator' at time 0.55 is not finite.The ProblemHere is a simple model similar to the one I have... read more >>

Computing π… Simscape Multibody Style 1

On this π day 2024, I decided to tag along with Mike Croucher from The MATLAB Blog and show one way to compute π.While Mike went for advanced maneuvers involving the MATLAB AI Chat Playground,... read more >>

Optimizing Data Types with the Fixed-Point Tool 2

Have you ever had one of those days... ?

The Explanation
When I see things like that, my first reflex is usually to turn on most of the items in the Display menu. In this case, displaying the port... read more >>

Improved Behavior of Auto Tolerance in R2017a

Are you familiar with the meaning of auto for the Absolute tolerance of Simulink variable-step solvers?
In R2017a, we decided to change the meaning of auto for the Absolute Tolerance... If your model... read more >>

Simulink Debugger: Monitoring Variable Step Solver Performance 2

A few months ago I introduced my favorite command to analyze the performance of a variable-step solver. This week, I will introduce how the Simulink Debugger can be used for a deeper analysis of... read more >>

Why do we need Stiff ODE Solvers? 2

I hope you have noticed the new MATLAB Central blog: Cleve's Corner. Cleve once said "stiffness is an efficiency issue." Let's explore this from a Simulink point of view by revisiting an article by... read more >>

THE Most Useful Command for Debugging Variable Step Solver Performance 2

Today I want to share a trick I often use to determine if a variable step simulation runs as fast as it should. Visualizing the steps taken by a model To begin, save the simulation time data.... read more >>

Different Results in Accelerated Mode Versus Normal Mode 8

By Guy Rouleau This week I received a large model giving different results when used as a referenced model in Accelerated mode, compared to the Normal Mode. To give you an idea, the top model in... read more >>

Wrong Answers and Gimbal Lock 6

By Guy Rouleau I received a request last week where the code generated using Real-time Workshop was giving different answers from the original simulation. This type of requests is the one that... read more >>

Did I just get a different answer? 3

As part of any well designed Model Based Design work-flow, you need to ensure that you get the expected results from your simulation. You might want to evaluate the effect... read more >>

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